Month: November 2023

  • Giving Her Space: The Art of Taking a Time Out

    When it comes to navigating the tricky waters of dating, one of the most difficult questions to answer is: How much space should I give her? Knowing the right amount of time and space to give your partner can make or break a relationship. In this article, we will explore why it’s important to respect […]

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  • How to Find and Use the Match Com Icon is one of the most popular online dating sites in the world, and its iconic heart logo has become synonymous with finding love. But what does this symbol mean in the context of modern dating? In this article, we explore how’s logo reflects current trends in online dating and why it stands out […]

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  • The Benefits of No Contact After Breaking Up: How to Move On as the Dumper

    Have you ever been in a situation where you had to end a relationship but still felt conflicted about it? Maybe you were the dumper and not the dumpee, but still felt like there was unfinished business between the two of you. If this sounds familiar, then have no fear – trying out no contact […]

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  • Embracing Your Inner Sexy: How to Look Fabulous as an Older Lady

    The Benefits of Dating Sexy Older Ladies Dating sexy older ladies can come with a wide array of benefits. They are likely to have had more life experiences than younger women, giving them wisdom and perspective that can be invaluable. They often know exactly what they want in life and don’t have any problems expressing […]

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  • The Pain of Moving On from a Lost Love

    Signs You Still Love Your Ex-Husband If you’re dating someone new, but still find yourself thinking about your ex-husband, it’s a sign that you may still have strong feelings for him. Other signs include feeling jealous when hearing stories about him or his new partner, or finding yourself comparing the person you’re dating to your […]

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  • Uncovering Who You Swiped Right For: A Guide to Viewing Your Likes on Tinder

    Understanding Tinder’s Like Feature Tinder’s like feature is one of the most powerful tools for finding a potential date. It allows you to express interest in someone without having to initiate a conversation. When you like someone on Tinder, it sends a notification to that person, letting them know that you’re interested. In order to […]

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  • Tinder Bans: Understanding Why Your Device May Be Blocked

    Whether you’re new to the dating scene or an experienced veteran, you may have heard of the popular app Tinder and its reputation for banning devices. But what does it mean when your device is banned from using the app, and how can you prevent it from happening? Read on to find out! What is […]

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